Once upload completed, converter will redirect a web page to show the conversion result. Where: A, R, G and B are integers in the range 0 to 255 specifying the Alpha, Red, Green and Blue component values respectively. Click button 'Convert' to start upload your file. bgcolor A,R,G,B e.g 255,255,255,255 Background color of the canvas. 0 indicates the frames should loop forever. loop n e.g 10 Loop the frames n number of times. For example: text, images, sounds, videos, or hyperlinks. Webp Converter: Jpg to Webp Converter Online collects the following: Website content. More detailed information can be found in the publishers privacy policy. Finally, if mi and bi are omitted then xi and yi can be omitted and will default to +0+0. Webp Converter: Jpg to Webp Converter Online has disclosed the following information regarding the collection and usage of your data. Just drag and drop your JPG file on upload form, choose the desired output format and click convert button. Also, mi can be omitted if bi is omitted and will default to 0 (NONE). You can convert your JPG documents from any platform (Windows, Linux, macOS). Argument bi can be omitted and will default to +b (BLEND). Wie man JPEG in WEBP konvertiert Schritt 1 jpeg-Datei (en) hochladen Wählen Sie Dateien vom Computer, Google Drive, Dropbox, einer URL oder durch Ziehen auf die Seite. webp image /*FRAME_OPTIONS -file_i +di]] e.g -frame one.webp +100 -frame two.webp +100+50+50 -frame three.webp +100+50+50+1+b Where: file_i is the i'th frame (WebP format), xi,yi specify the image offset for this frame, di is the pause duration before next frame, mi is the dispose method for this frame (0 for NONE or 1 for BACKGROUND) and bi is the blending method for this frame (+b for BLEND or -b for NO_BLEND).
pass input images(.webp image) path with FRAME_OPTIONS, as array,ouput image will be animated.